Ms Sandisiwe Jali

Field Extension: Biological Control | |
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I am the field extension officer for the FABI Biocontrol centre. The biggest part of my field extension work is the national monitoring of Eucalyptus pests and their biological control agents. The national monitoring started off with only Leptocybe invasa and we have now included all the major Eucalyptus pests (Gonipterus spp.II, Glycaspis brimblecombei, Thaumastocoris peregrinus, and Spondyliaspis) in our surveys.
The objective of national monitoring in which I am involved in is to access the distribution of biological control agents across South African forestry areas as well as their parasitism levels. My other duties include field support for other Biocontrol centre projects, managing CTHB / TPCP vehicles and all the field trips.