Mr Josias Letaoana

Technical assistant (field extension) | |
Department |
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I graduated from the Nelson Mandela University (George Campus) with a degree in Forestry. Currently, I am working as a field extension officer under the Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP). I have been mainly responsible for the Gonipterus Remote Sensing Project. This work involved the establishment of many temporary plots in eucalyptus compartments in KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga. Also, I have been involved in the National Monitoring of Eucalyptus pests and their biological control agents (mainly worked on Leptocybe invasa and Gonipterus sp. 2).
Thanks to FABI for the opportunity to become a drone pilot which is now one of my responsibilities. Drones (unmanned aerial vehicle) will play a vital role in ensuring health and productive forests by offering early detection and effective monitoring techniques of forestry pests and disease.
A team of FABIans travelled to Melmoth to assess Gonipterus sp. n. 2 damage levels on both young and old Eucalyptus dunnii compartments using a UAV.