Ms Nicolette Sianyuka


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Research Profiles

Conducted my master's research project in Microbiology at Rhodes University which was focused on the effects of hydraulic fracking fluid on soil microbial community community and diversity. The project was funded by the Foundation of Biodiversity Information Program (FBIP). The study analyzed bacterial and fungal populations in soils treated with different concentrations of HF fluid using Illumina sequencing to span the ITS region for fungi and V4-V5 region of 16S rRNA gene for bacteria using universal primers.

In 2019 I also completed my Bsc (Honours) degree. My project was focused on Invitro establishment of endangered orchid species (Disa polygonoides and cornuta)  using mycorrhizal fungi.

Volunteered for the SciFest Africa Science Festival held in Makhanda in 2021.

Dr Gerda Fourie


Two FABI research groups attend the SAMAC Grower Symposium

Members of the Macadamia Protection Programme and the Forest Molecular Genetics research group participated in the recent Macadamias South Africa (SAMAC) Grower Symposium.

FABI welcomes the 2023 interns

FABI welcomed eight new members that join the DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Plant Health Biotechnology (CPHB) Internship in Phytosanitation and Biosecurity.