During the second week of May, Prof. Mike Wingfield, Prof. Brenda Wingfield, and Dr Trudy Paap joined Stellenbosch University colleagues Prof. Francois Roets and Mr Handré Basson to inspect silver tree (Leucodendron argenteum) research being conducted in Kirstenbosch.  This research forms part of a collaboration between FABI and SANBI, initiated by Trudy Paap, hoping to reduce the dramatic damage to these iconic trees caused by the introduced pathogen and aggressive root pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi. The work in Kirstenbosch is overseen by the enthusiastic SANBI staff members Mashudu Nndanduleni and Mpendulo Gabayi together with their team who participated in this visit.  Silver trees of different ages and at various stages of infection have been injected or sprayed with phosphite, a chemical widely used for Phytophthora control in natural ecosystems of Australia as well as, for example, by the avocado industry.  The visit provided good evidence that the spray applications done towards the end of 2020 have been effective in reducing the impact of the disease on young plants.  Larger trees additional to those treated last year were injected during this visit and results will be evaluated later in 2021.  Failure to reduce infection by P. cinnamomi could result in the eventual loss of the silver trees in South Africa.  It is hoped that the research being conducted in Kirstenbosch will negate such a situation.