On  13 and 14 February Prof. Bernard Slippers and Dr Gudrun Dittrich-Schröder met with researchers Dr Nikolai Windbichler and Dr. Andrew Hammond as well as their students, at Imperial College London (ICL). These ICL researchers work on synthetic biology, gene editing, genetic control and gene drive of insects, both to address fundamental biological questions, but also towards gene based pest management systems. Some of the major programs target Malaria-vectoring mosquitoes and the Mediterranean fruit fly  Dr Hammond is also the co-founder and head of R&D of a startup company from work at ICL called Biocentis which develops genetic technologies for harmful insects. The purpose of this visit was to engage with and learn from work conducted by these researchers who are leading the field of gene editing in insects, as well as to explore opportunities to link to the work done in FABI. Dr. Dittrich-Schröder was already in London for meetings at the Royal Society, who are funding Dr Dittrich-Schröder’s work (through a FLAIR Fellowship) in FABI on developing this gene editing technology in forestry and agricultural pests in Africa. This visit allowed engagement with experts, visiting of the laboratories, opportunities for learning, as well as exploring of potential partnership opportunities.