Professor Jeremy Allison of the Canadian Forestry Service, Great Lakes Forestry Centre in Sault Ste. Marie (Ontario) and FABI adjunct staff member, together with FABI Profs Mike Wingfield and Bernard Slippers and colleague Prof. Tim Paine (University of California, Riverside) recently completed the production of a Forest Entomology text book. The book is an edited volume of 810 Pages including 48 authors from many different countries of the world including FABI team members and FABI collaborators and has been published by the Springer.  This is the first comprehensive forest entomology text book to have been produced in many years and should be a valuable teaching resource for students of forestry and entomology more generally. Substantial sponsorship was kindly provided by the Canadian Forestry Service that has allowed the book to be available in a digital form, free of charge.  The book can be downloaded for free by clicking here.