Mr Johan Cilliers

MSc student


Plant and Soil Sciences
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Primary Supervisor
Nicky Creux

Co Supervisor
David Livingstone Nsibo
Robert Mangani

I am currently doing my MSc (Biotechnology) under the supervision of Dr Nicky Creux. My co-supervisors are Dr Robert Mangani and Dr David Nsibo. The title of my MSc project is "The effect of planting date on major foliar fungal diseases in maize". In this project I will focus on how the disease severity of Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB), Grey Leaf Spot (GLS), Phaeospaerhia Leaf Spot (PLS)Diplodia Leaf Streak (DLS), Eyespot, Common Rust and Southern Rust change across planting dates. These diseases will be assessed at three locations, which is Bethlehem, Potchefstroom and Pretoria.

A population genetics study will also be done on Exserohilum turcicum. This study will focus on how the genetic diversity of the population changes over a single season. This study will only be performed in Pretoria and is a follow-up study to my honours research where we saw NCLB infection increasing at later planting dates regardless of cultivar.