Ms Cassandra Schoeman

PhD student


Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
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Research Profiles

Primary Supervisor
Eshchar Mizrachi

Co Supervisor
Tuan Duong

I completed my BSc (Hons) in Genetics at the University of Pretoria, in the Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP) of FABI. My Honours project was titled “Effector proteins and their potential role in host specificity of Ceratocystis species”. The aim of this project was to determine if candidate effector proteins identified in two closely-related Ceratocystis species, C. fimbriata and C. manginecans, play a role in host specificity.

I am currently doing my Masters degree in Genetics, in the Forest Molecular Genetics (FMG) research group, under the primary supervision of Prof. Eshchar Mizrachi and co-supervision of Dr. Danielle Roodt. The title of my project is “Transcriptomic analysis of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial-cycad symbiosis”. The focus of this project is to investigate the interactions involved in forming this ancient symbiosis, a relationship that is absent from all other gymnosperms.


The evolution of phosphorous-mining roots in Fynbos angiosperms

C. B. Schoeman, T. A. Doung, P. M. Maistry, Y. Van de Peer & E. Mizrachi

UP 2024 Plant Genomics and Evolution Symposium

University of Pretoria

Pretoria, South Africa


Oral presentation


Convergent co-option of plant nutrient and symbiosis genes in cycad-cyanobacterial symbioses 

C. B. Schoeman, D. Roodt, D. Pinard, A. Blair, O. Bezuidt, T. Makhalanyane & E. Mizrachi

UP 2023 Plant Genome Evolution and Polyploidy Symposium

University of Pretoria

Pretoria, South Africa


Oral presentation


The Encephalartos natalensis-cyanobacterial coralloid root partnership for nitrogen acquisition

C. B. Schoeman, D. Roodt, D. Pinard, A. Hammerbacher, T. Makhalanyane & E. Mizrachi

SASBi-SC/SAGS BIO2022 joint conference

Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study

Stellenbosch, South Africa


Oral presentation

2022-2025: NRF-DAAD Doctoral Scholarship

2020-2021: UP Postgraduate Bursary for Masters and Doctoral students

         2019: National Research Foundation (NRF) Grantholder-linked Bursary

Export to RIS
Chang J, Duong TA, Schoeman C, Ma X, Roodt D, Barker N, Li Z, Van de Peer V, Mizrachi E. (2023) The Genome of the King Protea, Protea cynaroides. The Plant Journal 113:262-276. 10.1111/tpj.16044