Mr Muhammad Agni Saha

PhD student


Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology
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Primary Supervisor
Irene Barnes

Co Supervisor
Mike Wingfield

I am one of Plant Pathologist within R&D Department of Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) in Indonesia. Today, I am responsible to manage Lab. of Plant Pathology and Disease screening Program in the company.

I joined FABI as PhD student through RGE-FABI Tree Health Program. My research will be focusing on Disease Management of Acacia crassicarpa clonal plantation in Indonesia.

Export to RIS
Tarigan M, Wingfield MJ, Jami F, Oliveira LSS, Saha MA, Durán A, Pham NQ. (2025) Pathogenicity of Pythium myriotylum on Acacia crassicarpa and Acacia mangium × Acacia auriculiformis clones in Indonesia. Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 87:1–5. 10.2989/20702620.2024.2432863