Ms Ofentse Mathibela

PhD student | |
Department |
Plant and Soil Sciences |
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My Supervisor/s
Primary Supervisor | |
Nicky Creux | |
Co Supervisor |
Dr Dirk ZH Swanevelder | |
David Livingstone Nsibo |
My current study is focused on investigating the effect of planting date on maize phenology and floral biology in relation to yield and grain quality. The objectives include exploring how remote sensing techniques such as Phenospex fieldscan and multispectral unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imaging can assist in tracking maize (Zea Mays L.) phenology interaction with climatic conditions. I am also interested in understanding the synchronicity of maize flowering and how this can be disrupted by various climatic conditions. My masters studies were focused on investigating the effect of overexpressing a cysteine protease inhibitor (Oryzacystatin I) in root nodules of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) in age-induced and drought-induced senescence. The objectives included understanding the physiological and biochemical effects of the transgene on both below and above ground organs, as well as transgene expression specifically in root nodules. My undergraduate and part of postgraduate (Honours and MSc) studies were primarily based on molecular biology, plant physiology and biochemistry. I am a novice in remote sensing and agronomy. I am passionate about improving global food security by understanding recent techniques of monitoring plant health, as well as how crops interact with the changing climate and pathogens.
Research interests: Remote sensing, Plant-Environment interaction, Floral biology, Agronomy, Molecular biology and Food security
My Journal Articles
Publication |
Malefo M, Mathibela O, Makgopa E, Crampton BG. (2020) Investigating the role of Bowman-Birk serine protease inhibitor in Arabidopsis plants under drought stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 149:286-293.
10.1016/J.PLAPHY.2020.02.007 |