Mr Eloff Theron

MSc student


Plant and Soil Sciences
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Primary Supervisor
Jacquie van der Waals

Co Supervisor
Teresa Coutinho

As of 2022, I'm in my second year of an MSc in Plant Pathology.

I am working on Phytophthora nicotianae in citrus. My project aims to test the sensitivity of South African isolates of this pathogen to potassium- and -ammonium phosphonate fungicides to establish whether they remain effective agents for the control of Phytophthora diseases in citrus. Furthermore, to investigate the stability of phosphonate resistance in these isolates for resistance management strategies.

My supervisor is Professor J.E. van der Waals and my co-supervisor is Professor T. Coutinho.

Export to RIS
Theron E, Bophela KN, Bisschoff J, Shin G, Coutinho TA, Van der Waals JE. (2022) Survey of Soft Rot Pectobacteriaceae Infecting Potatoes in South Africa. Potato Research 10.1007/s11540-022-09598-1