FABI Book Chapters
Publication |
Hurley BP, Barnes I, Wingfield MJ. 2023. Diseases and Insect Pests of Australian Acacia Species. In: Wattles: Australian Acacia Species Around the World. Richardson DM, Le Roux JJ, Marchante E. (eds). CAB International, Oxfordshire, pp 312-326. |
Barnes I, van der Nest A, Granados GM, Wingfield MJ. 2022. Dothistroma needle blight. In: Forest Microbiology. Asiegbu F, Kovalchuk A. (eds). Elsevier, pp 179 - 199. |
Garnas JR, Hurley BP, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2016. Insects and Diseases of Mediterranean Forests: A South African Perspective. In: Insects and Diseases of Mediterranean Forest Systems. Paine TD, Lieutier F. (eds). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp 397-430. |
Liebhold AM, Wingfield MJ. 2014. Globalization and its implications to forest health. In: Forests and Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Development. Nikolakis W, Innes J. (eds). Routledge, pp 36-47. |
Ahumada R, Rotella A, Poisson M, Durán A, Wingfield MJ. 2013. Phytophthora pinifolia: the cause of Daño Foliar del Pino on Pinus radiata in Chile. In: Phytophthora: A Global Perspective. Lamour K. (eds). CAB International, Boston, Minnesota, pp 159-165. ![]() |
Jacobs K, Wingfield MJ. 2013. An overview of Leptographium and Grosmannia. In: The Ophiostomatoid Fungi: Expanding Frontiers. Seifert KA, de Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. (eds). CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 47-56. |
Kirisits T, Konrad H, Wingfield MJ, Chhetri DB. 2013. Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with the Eastern Himalayan spruce bark beetle, Ips schmutzenhoferi , in Bhutan and their pathogenicity to Picea spinulosa and Pinus wallichiana. In: The Ophiostomatoid Fungi: Expanding Frontiers. Seifert KA, de Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. (eds). CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 99-112. |
Masuya H, Yamaoka Y, Wingfield MJ. 2013. Ophiostomatoid fungi and their associations with bark beetles in Japan. In: The Ophiostomatoid Fungi: Expanding Frontiers. Seifert KA, de Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. (eds). CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 77-90. |
Mehl JWM, Slippers B, Roux J, Wingfield MJ. 2013. Cankers and other diseases caused by the Botryosphaeriaceae. In: Infectious Forest Diseases. Gonthier P, Nicolotti G. (eds). CAB International, Boston, Minnesota, pp 298-317. ![]() |
Nagel JH, Gryzenhout M, Slippers B, Wingfield MJ. 2013. The Occurrence and Impact of Phytophthora on the African Continent. In: Phytophthora: A Global Perspective. Lamour K. (eds). CAB International, Boston, Minnesota, pp 204-214. ![]() |
Roux J, Wingfield MJ. 2013. Ceratocystis species on the African continent, with particular reference to C. albifundus, an African species in the C. fimbriata sensu lato species complex. In: The Ophiostomatoid Fungi: Expanding Frontiers. Seifert KA, de Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. (eds). CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 131-140. |
Van Wyk M, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ. 2013. Ceratocystis species in the Ceratocystis fimbriata complex. In: The Ophiostomatoid Fungi: Expanding Frontiers. Seifert KA, de Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. (eds). CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 65-76. |
Wingfield BD, van Wyk M, Roos H, Wingfield MJ. 2013. Ceratocystis: emerging evidence for discrete generic boundaries. In: The Ophiostomatoid Fungi: Expanding Frontiers. Seifert KA, de Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. (eds). CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 57-64. |
Wingfield MJ, Roux J, Wingfield BD, Slippers B. 2013. Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma: international spread, new associations and plant health. In: The Ophiostomatoid Fungi: Expanding Frontiers. Seifert KA, de Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. (eds). CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 191-200. |
De Beer ZW, Seifert KA, Wingfield MJ. 2013. A nomenclator for ophiostomatoid genera and species in the Ophiostomatales and Microascales. In: The Ophiostomatoid Fungi: Expanding Frontiers. Seifert KA, De Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. (eds). CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 245-322. ![]() |
De Beer ZW, Seifert KA, Wingfield MJ. 2013. The ophiostomatoid fungi: their dual position in the Sordariomycetes. In: The Ophiostomatoid Fungi: Expanding Frontiers. Seifert KA, De Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. (eds). CBS, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 1-19. |
De Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. 2013. Emerging lineages in the Ophiostomatales. In: The Ophiostomatoid Fungi: Expanding Frontiers. Seifert KA, De Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. (eds). CBS, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 21-46. ![]() |
Roets F, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, Dreyer LL. 2013. Taxonomy and ecology of ophiostomatoid fungi associated with Protea infructescences. In: The Ophiostomatoid Fungi. Seifert KA, De Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. (eds). CBS, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 177-187. |
Zhou XD, De Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. 2013. Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with conifer-infesting bark beetles in China. In: The Ophiostomatoid Fungi: Expanding Frontiers. Seifert KA, De Beer ZW, Wingfield MJ. (eds). CBS-KNAW Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp 93-100. |
Hurley BP, Croft P, Verleur M, Wingfield MJ, Slippers B. 2012. The Control of the Sirex Woodwasp in Diverse Environments: The South African Experience. In: The Sirex Woodwasp and its Fungal Symbiont: Research and Management of a Worldwide Invasive Pest. Slippers B, de Groot P, Wingfield MJ. (eds). Springer, pp 247-264. |
Roux J, Hurley BP, Wingfield MJ. 2012. Disease and pests of eucalypts, pine and wattle. In: South African Forestry Handbook. The South African Institute of Forestry, Pretoria, South Africa, pp 303-335. |
Slippers B, Wingfield MJ. 2012. 287-295 Sirex Research and Management: Future Prospects. In: The Sirex Woodwasp and its Fungal Symbiont: Research and Management of a Worldwide Invasive Pest. Slippers B, de Groot P, Wingfield MJ. (eds). Springer, pp 287-295. |
Van der Nest M, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Stenlid J, Vasaitis R, Slippers B. 2012. Genetics of Amylostereum Species Associated with Siricidae Woodwasps. In: The Sirex Woodwasp and its Fungal Symbiont: Research and Management of a Worldwide Invasive Pest. Slippers B, de Groot P, Wingfield MJ. (eds). Springer, pp 81-94. |
Slippers B, Hurley BP, Mlonyeni XO, de Groot P, Wingfield MJ. 2012. Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Deladenus siricidicola in Biological Control Systems. In: The Sirex Woodwasp and its Fungal Symbiont: Research and Management of a Worldwide Invasive Pest. Slippers B, de Groot P, Wingfield MJ. (eds). Springer, pp 119-133. |
Wingfield MJ, Slippers B, Roux J, Wingfield BD. 2010. Fifty Years of Tree Pest and Pathogen Invasions, Increasingly Threatening World Forests. In: Fifty Years of Invasion Ecology: The Legacy of Charles Elton. Richardson DM. (eds). Blackwell Publishing Ltd., pp 89-99. |
Pegg G, Carnegie AJ, Wingfield MJ, Drenth A. 2007. Quambalaria spp. Emerging and threatening pathogens of Eucalypts, worldwide. In: Proceedings, IUFRO 2007 Working Group 2.08.03 Meeting “Eucalypts and Diversity: Balancing Productivity and Sustainability”. pp . |
Perez C, Altier N, Someto S, Wingfield MJ, Slippers B, Blanchette RA. 2007. Botryosphaeriaceae causing diseases on Eucalyptus and native Myrtaceae in Uruguay. In: Proceedings, IUFRO 2007 Working Group 2.08.03 Meeting “Eucalypts and Diversity: Balancing Productivity and Sustainability”. pp . |
Roux J, Wingfield MJ. 2007. Ceratocystis species: Emerging pathogens of non-native plantation Eucalyptus and Acacia species. In: Proceedings, IUFRO 2007 Working Group 2.08.03 Meeting “Eucalypts and Diversity: Balancing Productivity and Sustainability”. pp . |
Slippers B, Pavlic D, Maleme H, Wingfield MJ. 2007. A diverse assemblage of Botryosphaeriaceae infect Eucalyptus in introduced and native environments. In: Proceedings, IUFRO 2007 Working Group 2.08.03 Meeting “Eucalypts and Diversity: Balancing Productivity and Sustainability”. pp . |
Wingfield MJ, Slippers B, Hurley BP, Coutinho TA, Wingfield BD, Roux J. 2007. Eucalypt pests and diseases: Growing threats to plantation productivity. In: Proceedings, IUFRO 2007 Working Group 2.08.03 Meeting “Eucalypts and Diversity: Balancing Productivity and Sustainability”. pp . |
Zhou XD, Xie YJ, Chen SHF, Wingfield MJ. 2007. Diseases of eucalypt plantations in China. Challenges and opportunities. In: Proceedings, IUFRO 2007 Working Group 2.08.03 Meeting “Eucalypts and Diversity: Balancing Productivity and Sustainability”. pp . |
Wingfield MJ, Hurley BP, Gebeyehu S, Slippers B, Ahumada R, Wingfield BD. 2006. Southern hemisphere exotic pine plantations threatened by insect pests and associated pathogens. In: Invasive Forest Insects, Introduced Forest Trees, and Altered Ecosystems: Ecological Pest Management in Global Forests of a Changing World. Springer, pp 53-62. |
Govender P, Wingfield MJ. 2005. Overview on the entomological research in the Mediterranean forest ecosystems of South Africa. In: Entomological research in Mediterranean forest ecosystems. INRA Editions, Versailles, France, pp 43-52. |
Dyer C, Wingfield MJ. 2004. Challenges and strategies facing forest research and education for the 21st Century: A case study from South Africa. In: International Symposium on Forest Research and Education for the 21st Century. Seoul Korea, October 2004. pp . |
Wingfield MJ, Myburg AA, Coutinho TA, Wingfield BD. 2004. Pest and disease risks in exotic plantations. In: Plantation Forest Biotechnology for the 21st Century. Walter C, Carson M. (eds). Research Signpost, Kerala, India, pp 43-59. |
Wingfield MJ, Coutinho TA, Myburg AA, Wingfield BD. 2004. Management of pathogens in exotic plantation forestry. In: Plantation Forest Biotechnology for the 21st Century. Walter C, Carson M. (eds). Research Signpost, Kerala, India, pp . |
Wingfield MJ. 2004. Diseases of forest trees. In: Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences. Elsevier, Oxford, pp 744-750. |
Wingfield MJ. 2004. Disease affecting exotic plantation species. In: Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences . Elsevier, Oxford, pp . |
Burgess T, Wingfield MJ. 2002. Impact of fungal pathogens in natural forest ecosystems; a focus on Eucalyptus. In: Microorganisms in Plant Conservation and Biodiversity. Sivasithamparam K, Dixon KW. (eds). Kluwer Academic Press, pp 285-306. |
Gadgil P, Wardlaw TJ, Ferreira FA, Sharma JK, Dick MA, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW. 2000. Management of diseases in plantations. In: Diseases and pathogens of Eucalyptus. Keane PJ, Kile GA, Podger FD, Brown N. (eds). CSIRO Publishing Australia, pp . |
Kirisits T, Fuhrer E, Wingfield MJ. 2000. Pathogenicity of the bark beetle transmitted blue-stain fungi Ceratocystis polonica and Ceratocystis laricicola to Norway spruce. (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and to European Larch (Larix decidua Mill) in central Europe. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Forest Ecosystem Restoration. Vienna, Austria, April 2000. pp . |
Park RF, Keane P, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW. 2000. Fungal leaf diseases of Eucalyptus. In: Diseases and pathogens of Eucalyptus. Keane PJ, Kile GA, Podger FD, Brown N. (eds). CSIRO Publishing Australia, pp . |
Pearce G, Dyck B, Frampton R, Wingfield MJ, Moore J. 2000. Biophysical risks to forests. New Zealand compared to the rest of the world. In: New Zealand Institute of Forestry, Annual Conference. “Assessment and management of forest investment risk”. University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 17-19 April 2000. pp . |
Roux J, Dunlop R, Wingfield MJ. 2000. Development of disease tolerant Acacia mearnsii. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO Symposium on Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement. Durban, October 2000. pp . |
van Heerden S, Wingfield MJ, Preisig O, Wingfield BD. 2000. Progress towards reducing the impact of Cryphonectria canker in South Africa. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO Symposium on Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement. Durban, October 2000. pp . |
van Heerden SW, Wingfield MJ. 2000. Strategies line to reducing the impact of Cryphonectria canker in South Africa. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO World Congress Vol. 2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 7-12 August 2000. pp 293-294. |
Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2000. Diseases of Forest Plantations. In: South African Forestry Handbook vol 1. South African Institute of Forestry, pp 241-252. |
Wingfield MJ, Roux J, Govender P, Coutinho TA, Wingfield BD. 2000. Plantation disease and pest management in the next century. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO Symposium on Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement. Durban, October 2000. pp . |
Wingfield MJ, Roux J. 2000. Forest pathogens, forests and society. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO World Congress Vol. 1, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 7-12 August 2000. pp 174-180. |
Wingfield MJ, Wingfield BD, Coutinho TA, de Wet J, Slippers B. 1999. Fungal diseases of exotic plantation pines: a southern hemisphere perspective. In: Sustainability of pine forests in relation to pine wilt and decline. Proceedings of International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 27-28 October, 1998. Shokado Shoten, pp 322-329. ![]() |
Wingfield MJ, Wingfield BD, Coutinho TA, Viljoen A, Britz H, Steenkamp ET. 1999. Pitch Canker: A South African Perspective. In: Current and potential impacts of pitch canker in radiata pine. Proceedings of the IMPACT Monterey Workshop, California, USA, vol. 30. pp 62-69. ![]() |
Wingfield MJ. 1999. Preface. In: Proceedings of the IMPACT Monterey Workshop, Monterey California. CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products Technical Report NO 112. Devey M, Matheson C, Gordon T. (eds). pp . |
Wingfield MJ, Wingfield BD, Coutinho TA, Viljoen A, Britz H, Steenkamp ET. 1999. Pitch canker: A South African perspective. In: Proceedings of the IMPACT Monterey Workshop, Monterey California. CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products Technical Report NO 112. Devey M, Matheson C, Gordon T. (eds). pp 62-69. |
Wingfield MJ, van Zyl LM, van Heerden SW, Myburg H, Wingfield BD. 1999. Virulence and genetic composition of the Cryphonectria cubensis population in South Africa. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO Symposium: Physiology and Genetics of Tree-Phytophage interactions. Arcachon, France. pp . |
Coetzee MPA, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ, Coutinho TA. 1998. Identification of the causal agent of Armillaria root rot in South African forest plantations. In: Root and butt rots of forest trees. 9th International Conference on Root and Butt Rots, Carcans-Maubuisson (France), 1–7 September 1997: Paris: INRA (Les Colloques no. 89). Delatour C, Guillaumin J-J, Lung-Escarmant B, Marçais B. (eds). pp 49-61. ![]() |
Harrington TC, Wingfield MJ. 1998. Diseases and the ecology of indigenous and exotic pines. In: Ecology and Biogeography of Pinus. Richardson D. (eds). Cambridge University Press, pp . |
Coutinho TA, Wingfield MJ, Crous PW, van Zyl LM. 1997. Coniothyrium canker: a serious new disease in South Africa. In: Proceedings of IUFRO Conference on Silviculture and Improvement of Eucalypts. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. August 1997. pp . |
Coutinho TA, Wingfield MJ, Viljoen A, Marasas WFO. 1997. Pitch canker of pines: A Southern African perspective. In: Proceedings of the ISTA Tree Seed Pathology Workshop. Opucno, Czech Republic, October 9-11, 1996. pp . |
Harrington TC, Wingfield MJ. 1997. Pathogenicity of Leptographium species. In: Compendium of conifer diseases. Hansen E, Lewis K. (eds). American Phytophathological Society Press, pp . |
Smith H, Wingfield MJ, Coutinho TA. 1997. The canker pathogen Botryosphaeria dothidea, as an endophyte of Eucalyptus spp. in South Africa. In: Proceedings of IUFRO Conference on Silviculture and Improvement of Eucalypts. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. August 1997. pp . |
van Heerden SW, Wingfield MJ, Coutinho TA, van Zyl LM, Wright JA. 1997. Diversity of Cryphonectria cubensis isolates in Venezuela and Indonesia. In: Proceedings of IUFRO Conference on Silviculture and Improvement of Eucalypts. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. August 1997. pp . |
van Zyl LM, Wingfield MJ. 1997. Possible biological control of Cryphonectria canker of Eucalyptus. In: Proceedings of IUFRO Conference on Silviculture and Improvement of Eucalypts. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. August 1997. pp . |
van Zyl LM, Wingfield MJ, Coutinho TA. 1997. Diversity among isolates of Coniothyrium zuluense. A newly recorded Eucalyptus stem pathogen in South Africa. In: Proceedings of IUFRO Conference on Silviculture and Improvement of Eucalypts. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. August 1997. pp . |
Wingfield MJ, Coutinho TA. 1997. Conifer diseases in Africa. In: Compendium of Conifer Diseases. Hansen E, Lewis K. (eds). American Phytopathological Society Press, pp . |
Wolfaardt JF, Clarke CRE, Maseko B, Wingfield MJ. 1997. Screening of Eucalyptus fraxinoides for tolerance to Phytophthora cinnamomi. In: Proceedings of IUFRO Conference on Silviculture and Improvement of Eucalypts. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. August 1997. pp . |
Wingfield MJ, Kendrick WB, Wingfield BD. 1994. The development of holomorphic concepts in Ophiostomatalean Ascomycetes. In: Ascomycete systematics (Lichenized and Non-lichenized): Problems and Perspectives in the Nineties. Hawksworth DL. (eds). Plenum Press, pp . |
Wingfield MJ, Kemp GHJ. 1994. Diseases of pines, eucalypts and wattle. In: Forestry Handbook ed. 3. South African Forestry Institute, Pretoria, pp . |
Kendrick WB, van der Walt JP, Wingfield MJ. 1993. Relationships between the yeasts with hat-shaped ascospores and the ophiostomatoid fungi. In: Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma: Taxonomy, Ecology and Pathogenicity. Wingfield MJ, Seifert KA, Webber J. (eds). APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, pp 71-74. |
Kock JLF, Wingfield MJ, Erasmus SC. 1993. Potential value of cellular long-chain fatty acid composition in the taxonomy of the Ophiostomatoid Fungi. In: Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma: Taxonomy, Ecology. and Pathogenicity. Wingfield MJ, Seifert KA, Webber J. (eds). APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, pp 109-115. |
Seifert KA, Webber JF, Wingfield MJ. 1993. Methods for studying species of Ophiostoma and Ceratocystis. In: Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma: Taxonomy, Ecology, and Pathogenicity. Wingfield MJ, Seifert KA, Webber J. (eds). APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, pp 255-259. |
Seifert KA, Wingfield MJ, Kendrick WB. 1993. A nomenclature for described species of Ceratocystis, Ophiostoma, Ceratocystiopsis, Ceratostomella and Sphaeronaemella. In: Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma: Taxonomy, Ecology, and Pathogenicity. Wingfield MJ, Seifert KA, Webber J. (eds). APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, pp 269-287. |
Theron JM, Wingfield MJ. 1993. Effects of fire on soil microorganisms. In: Handbook on Fires in South Africa. le Roux PJ. (eds). South African Forestry Institute, Pretoria, pp . |
van Wyk PWJ, Wingfield MJ, van Wyk PS. 1993. Ultrastructure of centrum and ascospore development in selected Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma species. In: Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma: Taxonomy, Ecology and Pathogenicity. Wingfield MJ, Seifert KA, Webber J. (eds). APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, pp 133-138. |
Wingfield MJ. 1993. Problems in delineating the genus Ceratocystiopsis. In: Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma: Taxonomy, Ecology, and Pathogenicity. Wingfield MJ, Seifert KA, Webber J. (eds). APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, pp 21-25. |
Crous PW, Wingfield MJ. 1991. Eucalyptus leaf pathogens in South Africa: A national perspective. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO International Symposium. Intensive Forestry: The Role of Eucalypts. Durban, September 1991. pp . |
Nicol NS, Wingfield MJ, Swart WJ. 1991. Phaeoseptoria leaf spot: A stress related pathogen of Eucalypts. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO International Symposium. Intensive Forestry: The Role of Eucalypts. Durban, September 1991. pp . |
Swart WJ, Wingfield MJ. 1991. Cryphonectria canker of Eucalyptus spp. in South Africa. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO International Symposium. Intensive Forestry: The Role of Eucalypts. Durban, September 1991. pp . |
Wingfield MJ, Swart WJ, Kemp GHJ. 1991. Pathology considerations in clonal propagation of Eucalyptus with special reference to the South African situation. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO International Symposium. Intensive Forestry: The Role of Eucalypts. Durban, September 1991. pp . |
Grey DC, Wingfield MJ. 1990. A forest pathology expert system with particular reference to Eucalyptus grandis. In: Symposium on Management of Eucalyptus grandis in South Africa, Stellenbosch, June 1990. pp 83-100. |
Wingfield MJ, Swart WJ. 1988. Relative pathogenicity of fungi associated with pine root-infesting insects in South Africa. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Root and Butt Rots of Trees, Vernon, B.C., Canada. August 1988. Morrison DL. (eds). pp 381-392. |
Wingfield MJ, Swart WJ, Von Broembsen SL. 1988. Root diseases of pines and eucalypts in South Africa. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Root and Butt Rots of Trees, Vernon, B.C., Canada. August 1988. Morrison DL. (eds). pp 563-570. |
Wingfield MJ. 1988. Leptographium spp. as root pathogens of conifers. In: Leptographium root disease of conifers. Harrington TC, Cobb Jr FW. (eds). APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, pp 113-149. |
Wingfield MJ. 1987. Preface. In: Pathogenicity of the pine wood nematode. Wingfield MJ. (eds). APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, pp 1-4. |
Wingfield MJ. 1987. A comparison of the mycophagous and the phytophagous phases of the pine wood nematode. In: Pathogenicity of the pine wood nematode. Wingfield MJ. (eds). APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, pp 81-122. |
Wingfield MJ. 1986. Diseases of pines, eucalypts and wattles. In: Forestry handbook ed. 2. von Gladow K. (eds). South African Forestry Institute, Pretoria, pp 153-163. |
Bedker PJ, Wingfield MJ, Burnes TA, Blanchette RA. 1984. Host specificity of the pine wood nematode in the North Central United States and Canada. In: Proceedings of the United States-Japan Seminar on Pine Wilt, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 1984. pp . |
Wingfield MJ, Blanchette RA. 1984. Pathogenicity and insect associates of the pine wood nematode in the North Central United States. In: Proceedings of the United States-Japan Seminar on Pine Wilt, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 1984. pp . |
Wingfield MJ. 1984. Diseases and their management in fast growing plantations. In: Proceedings of the IUFRO Symposium on Site Productivity of Fast Growing Plantations. South African Institute of Forestry, pp . |
Wingfield MJ. 1983. Some diseases of pine and eucalypt plantations in South Africa. In: Forestry handbook. South African Institute of Forestry, pp . |
Wingfield MJ, Blanchette RA. 1982. Insects associated with the pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in Minnesota and Wisconsin. In: Proceedings of the Western International Forest Disease Work Conference, Lake Tahoe, California, September 1982. pp . |
Wingfield MJ. 1982. The pine wood nematode in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin. In: Proceedings of the National Pine Wilt Disease Workshop, Rosemont, Illinois Department of Natural Resources. pp . |
Wingfield MJ, Blanchette RA, Nicholls TH, Robbins K. 1981. The pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin. In: Proceedings of the Western International Forest Disease Work Conference, Vernon, B.C., Canada, September 1981. pp . |
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