Two FABI Researchers Receive the IUFRO Tree Pathology Award
Congratulations to Proff Brenda and Mike Wingfield who received the outstanding Hartig-Patterson Award at the recent IUFRO Division 7 Forest Health Meeting
Congratulations to Proff Brenda and Mike Wingfield who received the outstanding Hartig-Patterson Award at the recent IUFRO Division 7 Forest Health Meeting
Fourteen FABIans attended the recent IUFRO All Division 7 (Tree Health) Meeting in Lisbon where they contributed 38 presentations.
A FABI paper reporting the discovery of cypress canker on a native South African cedar tree is featured on the cover of the current issue of Plant Pathology.
FABI celebrated the capping of five PhD and 14 MSc graduates at the University of Pretoria’s Spring Graduation on 8 September.
The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment has published the State of the Forests Report: 2018 South Africa.
Dr Nicky Creux was an invited speaker at the Sclerotinia Discussion that formed part of the Rhizobium Symposium at the CSIR Convention Center.
Congratulations to Lorraine Mhoswa on successfully completing all requirements for her PhD.
On 22 July 2022, the inaugural meeting of the Biosecurity Hub Steering Committee hosted by the University of Pretoria’s Innovation Africa @UP was held at the Future Africa Campus.
Members of the FABI tree health team and collaborators led by Prof. Mike Wingfield recently visited various sites in South Africa’s Cederberg mountain range.
FABI Alumnus Dr Stephen Taerum presented the August FABI International Seminar on 25 August.
A group of 20 enthusiastic FABIans gathered on 16-17 August to attend a two-day Photoshop course presented in the Institute.
The first publications by four FABI students in the TPCP and CPHB was celebrated at a publication Party on 16 August.
This year the inhabitants of FABI stepped through the magnifying glass to find themselves in the weird and wonderful Wonderland at ther annual SPOOF gathering.
From 1-4 August, FABI researchers took part the in 54th Annual meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology.
Professor Eva Stukenbrock from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, presented a workshop on Population Genomics at FABI.
FABI hosted the 52nd Congress of the Southern African Society for Plant Pathologists (SASSP) at the Future Africa campus from 1-3 August.
FABI’s researchers and students excelled at the SASPP awards evening on 3 August.
FABI Director Prof. Bernard Slippers received the prestigious Christiaan Hendrik Persoon Medal, at an awards ceremony of the SASPP.
Three FABIans attended the 26th International Congress of Entomology (ICE) from 17-22 July, in Helsinki, Finland.
Several FABIans attended the recent virtual 2022 International Congress on Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control.
Prof. Dave Berger was interviewed on the topic “Artificial intelligence in crop health monitoring” by PlaasTV / FarmTV, which is a YouTube channel targeted at local farmers.
Four FABI researchers went on a field trip to visit two sites in KZN to collect material for various research projects.
Members of the Macadamia Protection Programme attended a SAMAC networking day where they presented on their research projects.
The MPPI research group hosted a visit by the members of the Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) South Africa and Grain SA.
Members of the Grain Research Programme (GRP) visited the Bayer Crop Science experimental farm in Petit, Gauteng.
FABIans celebrated Mandela Day by giving 67 minutes of their time to contribute in some community service.
Jenna-Lee Price, a MSc student in the Applied Mycology Group has been awarded a travel grant from the International Society for Mycotoxicology.
Professor Mike Wingfield received the prestigious Harry Oppenheimer Fellowship Award for 2021 at a ceremony held on 12 July.
Congratulations to Mmoledi Mphahlele on successfully completing his PhD and presenting his prestige seminar on 6 July.
Leading Canadian Mycologist Keith Seifert was the guest presenter at the June FABI International Seminar.
FABI Research Fellow Dr Trudy Paap and Extension Officer Shawn Fell joined JCPZ staff at the Johannesburg Botanical Gardens to conduct a training session on PSHB monitoring.
FABI Prof. Cobus Visagie was recently invited to become a member of the ICTF.
FABIans visited the Serbian Institute for Field And Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad in June.
Four “Madmacs” from the Macadamia Protection Programme recently visited various macadamia orchards located on the KwaZulu-Natal South coast.
Several FABI students attended the recent 33rd SANSOR Congress in Cape Town.