Ariska makes it ten
Congratulations to Ariska van der Nest on becoming the tenth FABIan to complete their PhD in 2021.
Congratulations to Ariska van der Nest on becoming the tenth FABIan to complete their PhD in 2021.
It was a double celebration for Agil Katumanyane when she successfully defended het PhD on 30 November.
On Thursday evening, 11 November, FABI welcomed a new shipment of Gonipterus egg capsules all the way from Australia!
The RGE-FABI Tree Health Programme ended the year with a research update meeting on 30 November.
FABI PhD student Agil Katumanyane received the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award for Sub-Saharan Africa Young Talents.
The Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Research Network hosted a meeting on 23 November, chaired by FABI’s Dr Trudy Paap.
On 20 October, FABI launched a new project called the TREE House. This initiative aims to create a safe space for all FABIans to discuss social issues and to make FABI a more inclusive place.
Some 40 FABI students and interns working in the TPCP, CPHB and GRP participated in the last tree planting event for 2021.
The final talk for 2021 in the popular FABI International Seminar series was presented by Dr Nicolas Langlade.
FABI hosted a second publication party for the year on Tuesday 16 November.
The “Book Club” has become a regular annual event held during a selected FABI Monday Morning Meeting towards the end of each year.
Postdoctoral research Fellow, Dr Mesfin Gossa visited three botanical gardens in the Western Cape Province as part of the SANBI-funded Sentinel Plant Project.
FABI chaired a national maize cultivar evaluation trial (MCET) lecture on 11 November.
FABI received the good news that Prof. Mike Wingfield, has again been included on the Clarivate Web of Science Highly Cited Researchers (2021/2022), this for the fifth consecutive year.
The Macadamia Protection Programme (MPP) team attended the annual Macadamias South Africa NPC (SAMAC) grower symposium in the Kruger National Park.
FABI researchers, have been engaging with UP campus landscape services staff to ensure the PSHB does not arrive unchecked.
Congratulations to Dr Abdullahi Yusuf on his appointment as a Humboldt Ambassador Scientist.
Thirteen FABI research staff members' research excellence was recognised at the recent UP Academic Achievers' Awards.
Members of MPP and UQ teams have been taking part in monthly research meeting throughout 2021 using online platforms.
FABI researchers make an early start to present at the 3rd IUFRO Acacia webinar.
The activities of the Swiss NGO, Plazi, was the topic of discussion by its Founder and President Dr Donat Agosti at the Southern African Society of Systematic Biologists (SASSB) seminar on 14 October.
AI and its role in crop health monitoring was featured in an article written by Prof. Dave Berger for a special edition of the newspaper Business Day.
After an 18 month hiatus, FABI celebrated the first publications in an ISI-rated scientific journal of three FABI postgraduate students in the TPCP and CTHB groups
A large group consisting of staff and students from FABI, the ICFR and Sappi met last week in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands for the first damage scoring of a long-term Gonipterus trial.
Two more candidates, Phozisa Dlokweni and Sindiso Mtshubungu joined the internship programme in Phytosanitation and Biosecurity at FABI on 1 October. Phozisa and Sindiso both have obtained degrees in forestry at the Nelson Mandela University.
Interns in the Phytosanitation and Biosecurity internship programme in FABI had the privilege to attend a two-day introductory phytosanitary course recently.
Two FABIans teamed up with two engineers to present a talk at the 2021 IEEE 4th 5G World Forum.
Professor Tjaart Krüger and Dr Michal Gwizdala travelled to the Namib Desert to explore the molecular mechanisms responsible for sustaining photosynthesis in hypolithons in extreme environments.
Celebrating their 100th year of existence, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie (DGfM) held their conference from 6-10 October in Blaubeuren, Germany.
During the week of 5 October, the Macadamia Protection Programme was in Mpumalanga for an on-going flower blight survey.
FABI hosted a visit by a delegation from the Lesotho Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) on 11 October.
The Hans Merensky Chair in Avocado Research, hosted its annual Student Research Day as a hybrid meeting on 5 October.
Professor Brett Hurley and PhD candidate Agil Katumanyane attended the 23rd Symposium of the Nematological Society of Southern Africa (NSSA).
Dr Nicky Creux, programme leader of the Crop Floral Biology and Environments research group in FABI was a co-organiser ( of the International Sunflower Association (ISA) webconference on sunflower-pollinator interactions.