Students and staff learn from Cropwatch Africa
FABIans, and an undergraduate class had the opportunity to gain from the experience of Roedolf Nieuwenhuis of Cropwatch Africa.
FABIans, and an undergraduate class had the opportunity to gain from the experience of Roedolf Nieuwenhuis of Cropwatch Africa.
A former storeroom at the Biocontrol Centre has been repurposed as office space for students working there.
In February, PhD candidate Elisa Pal joined by her fellow comrades from the Macadamia Protection Programme went on a massive egg hunt.
FABI has partnered with the University of the Sunshine Coast and ICFR to develop a research project to determine the diversity and distribution of wattle pests and pathogens in the Awi Zone of Ethiopia, and investigate potential management options.
Two FABIans have been featured in the BSPP's “Forty Faces of Plant Pathology” that forms part of the Society’s 40th anniversary celebrations.
Three visitors from the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences presented their research during the FABI MMM of 14 March.
A team of FABIans recently visited various regions in Durban to collect material infested with Euwallacea sp. ambrosia beetles.
Dennis Omondi spent two research visits in the MPPI lab at FABI and Department of Plant and Soil Sciences during his MSc degree as part of a bilateral NRF Kenya-South Africa project on maize foliar diseases.
FABI colleagues, friends and family met on 8 March to honour the exceptional career of Prof. Wilhelm de Beer who will retire from the University of Pretoria at the end of March.
FABI welcomed a group of Czech mycologists are visiting the Institute as part of an international Mycobiomics Project supported by a MSCA-RISE grant.
A team of FABI researchers spent a day considering Proteaceae disease problems north of Pretoria.
Members of the ARP attended SAAGA's 202 symposium where Casey Gill presented on her research work.
Two FABIans were amongst several UP academics honoured for their NRF ratings at a recent UP-hosted gala dinner.
FABI Alumnus Dr Alistair McTaggart of the University of Queensland in Australia started off the year's FABI International Seminar series with a presentation “Rust, sex, magic”.
FABI team members faced the sad reality of having to say goodbye to Postdoctoral Fellow Dr Hiroyuki Suzuki on 21 February, at a farewell function held in his honour at the Future Africa campus.
Members of the Grain Research Program (GRP) team including FABI Director Prof. Bernard Slippers embarked on a field trip to the Eastern Cape Province, during the week of 6 February.
Several academics and researchers submitted a letter last week to the Ministers of DALRRD and DHEST asking them to reconsider the new GMO regulations.
Eucalyptus seedlings were harvested five months after being inoculated as part of a joint Sappi-FABI Phytophthora trial.
A tiny egg parasitoid, Anaphes nitens, was released in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands for the control of the eucalypt snout beetle.
Mycological Progress has appointed Dr Bose as one of the section editors.
FABI celebrated love on Valentine’s Day with a fun photo competition and movie night where FABIans could enjoy watching some romantic movies.
FABI researchers have recently been undertaking intensive research to better understand a new and important disease of Kiwi fruit in South Africa.
Members of the Grain Research Program team embarked on a field trip to the Mpumalanga province.
A serendipitous discovery of an interesting fungus on the UP campus ties in with a postdoctoral research project in FABI.
Senior Director: Research, Innovation & Postgraduate Education, Department of Research and Innovation at UP, Dr Carol Nonkwelo was a guest speaker at the FABI Monday Morning Meeting.
The Management Committee of CPHB and TPCP met for two days of intensive discussions prior to being met by all students and staff for a report back session.
FABI celebrated the graduation of nine interns in the FABI Internship in Phytosanitation and Biotechnology programme on 19 January.
Four members of the Macadamia Protection Programme (MPP) in FABI, visited farms in the Mpumalanga province during a three day fieldtrip.
Dr Tanay Bose present a talk on the "mycorrhizal diversity associated with orchids in South Africa" as part of the NGOS's monthly seminar series.
Prof. Dave Berger presented in the genome editing session of the recent Science Forum South Africa 2021, where he gave an overview of current research in the field in South Africa.
The 30th of November marks a momentous day for the NGRP when its founding members from academia, industry and government adopted its constitution and voted in its first Chairperson and two Co-Directors.
The MadMacs finished off the year with two field trips to the KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga Provinces.
FABI postdoctoral researcher, Dr David Read visited a South African Breweries (SAB) hop farm between 16 and 18 November.
As part of the Sentinel Plant Project, Dr Mesfin Gossa has, in collaboration with the KZN NBG set up a PSHB monitoring system for the London plane trees.
Congratulations to Ariska van der Nest on becoming the tenth FABIan to complete their PhD in 2021.