10 Oct 2023

UniVen students visit FABI

FABI welcomed 43 students from the University of Venda to the Institute on 3 September.

9 Oct 2023

Félicitations Elisa!

Congratulations to Dr Elisa Pal on successfully completing all requirements for her PhD and being capped at the University of Pretoria’s Spring Graduation Ceremony on 5 September.

3 Oct 2023

Brett Hurley delivers his Inaugural Address

Professor Brett Hurley presented his inaugural address marking his promotion to full Professorship on Tuesday 26 September.

2 Oct 2023

FABI hosts visitors on a Southern Africa Biotechnology study tour

FABI hosted a visit by a group of researchers, scientific regulators and Members of Parliament from Angola, Botswana, Madagascar, Mozambique and Zambia as well as representatives of the USDA and Croplife SA.

27 Sep 2023

FABIans attend IUFRO Working Group meeting on Southern Hemisphere plantation health

Four FABians attended the recent IUFRO "Novel and classical strategies to manage forest health in plantations" meeting in Brazil.

26 Sep 2023

Dr Nicky Creux wins a Ben Barrs Spotlight Award from eLife

Dr Nicky Creux has won a Ben Barrs Spotlight Award that will allow her to attend the International Sunflower Conference in China in 2024.

19 Sep 2023

Amy returns from RAIZ

Amy Collop returned from a recent trip to RAIZ where she gained first-hand experience rearing a potential biological control agent of the Eucalyptus snout beetle.

18 Sep 2023

FABIan presents at the NSSA symposium

Innocent Rakubu, a Ph.D. candidate in FABI attended the NSSA Symposium where he also won an award for his presentation.

15 Sep 2023

FABIans welcome Spring!

ABI welcomed Spring at the Institute's its annual Spring Day tea on 15 September.

15 Sep 2023

Maize disease outreach extends to Kenya

Building on maize disease outreach activities with smallholder farmers in South Africa, two FABIans represented the University of Pretoria in farmer outreach activities in Kenya.

14 Sep 2023

Lydia celebrates 20 years at FABI

FABI celebrated Lydia Twala’s 20 year service anniversary at a gathering of friends and colleagues on 8 September.

13 Sep 2023

Congratulations to our Spring graduates!

A hearty congratulations to all the FABI graduates who were capped at the University of Pretoria’s Spring Graduation ceremony.

12 Sep 2023

Well done Deborah!

Well done to Deborah Narh Mensah on completing her PhD degree.

12 Sep 2023

Rianie retires

FABI said goodbye to Librarian Rianie van der Linde at the Monday Morning Meeting on 4 September following her recent retirement from UP.

8 Sep 2023

FABI increases the number of drone pilots in the Remote Sensing in Plant Health satellite lab

Josias Letaoana, a TPCP field extension officer, recently completed a Remote Pilot Licence (RPL) adding an additional pilot to the remote sensing team.

6 Sep 2023

FABI team members participate in an important forest pathology event

Several FABIans participated in a fieldtrip organised by the ISPP Forest Pathology Subject Matter Committee, chaired by FABI Professor Irene Barnes.

5 Sep 2023

South African Kiwi Growers gather for Annual General Meeting at Future Africa

The South African Kiwi Growers Association convened its AGM at the University of Pretoria’s Future Africa campus, hosted by FABI.

4 Sep 2023

FABI’s tree health focus at the 2023 ICPP in Lyon, France

FABI’s participation in the 12th International Conference of Plant Pathology in Lyon, France was not only substantial but impressive.

1 Sep 2023

FABI organised the first “Agrobacterium mediated transformation of spore producing fungi” workshop

A workshop on Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of spore-producing fungi was presented at FABI by Katharina Gasser from BOKU, Austria

1 Sep 2023

FABI fabulous at the International Congress of Plant Pathology

FABI had a strong presence at the ICPP 2023 with 19 delegates attending from the Institute.

1 Sep 2023

Plant and pathogen circadian clock discussions at FABI

Prof. Rachel Green visited FABI to discuss circadian clock oriented projects at FABI and her own research on plant circadian clocks' role in climate resilience.

31 Aug 2023

FABIan presents on the PSHB at the WESSA Friends Groups AGM

Dr Wilma Nel, manager of the TPCP Diagnostic Clinic, was invited to give a presentation on the PSHB at the WESSA Friends Groups AGM.

29 Aug 2023

FABIans on the Executive Committee of the ICPP

The Executive Committee of Plant Pathology met for two days, August before the start of the International Congress of Plant Pathology in Lyon.

28 Aug 2023

FABI represented at Plant Biology 2023

Professor Sanushka Naidoo attended the Plant Biology Conference in Savannah Georgia where she presented a research paper from her EPPI group.

28 Aug 2023

FABI participates in the Mondi National Science Week

The CPHB outreach team at FABI again participated in the Mondi Science Week, after a three-year absence due to the COVID pandemic.

17 Aug 2023

The fungi connection

A serendipitous meeting of FABI Director Prof. Bernard Slippers and graduate student Anne Oostlander in 2022 led to the start of a new research collaboration effort between FABI and the Centre for Biology at TUBS.

14 Aug 2023

Genetics research thrives north of the Arctic Circle

Prof. Dave Berger visited the Svanhovd Research Station in Norway to visit Dr Simo Maduna, a researcher with South African roots with whom he set up a collaborative research programme.

4 Aug 2023

A symphony of science at SPOOF

It was a Symphony of Science as FABI harmonized the world of music and outrageous discoveries at this year’s Society for the Presentation of Outrageous Findings.

2 Aug 2023

Cracking the fungal code: A genomics workshop for microbiologists

In the final week of July, Dr Andi Wilson and Dr Janneke Alyward joined forces to co-host a Genome Assembly Workshop for microbiologists at FABI.

1 Aug 2023

Building collaborations to study fungi and their mycotoxins

Professor Angel Medina-Vaya from Cranfield University recently visited FABI researchers Prof. Cobus Visagie and Dr Neriman Yilmaz.

31 Jul 2023

Farewell to Anne Pringle and David Johnson after a great 12-month sabbatical

On 26 July, a group of FABI staff and close friends gathered to bid farewell to Prof. Anne Pringle and David Johnson, who will soon return home to the United States.

24 Jul 2023

Genomics research strengthened by visit to VIB-UGhent, Belgium

Prof. Dave Berger was fortunate to spend a month of his sabbatical with the research group of Prof. Yves Van de Peer at the University of Ghent in Belgium.

21 Jul 2023

FABIans attend the 23rd Congress of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa

Twenty four FABIans attended and presented at the recent 23rd Congress of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa.

19 Jul 2023

FABI celebrates Mandela Day with 67 minutes of community service to conserve biodiversity

In celebration of Mandela Day, a group of FABIans, along with some colleagues from PSC, BGM and Bioinformatics, gathered at the Innovation Africa @UP campus to clear invasive weeds from an important research environment.

18 Jul 2023

FABIans attend the XVI SASSB conference

Five FABIANS attended the XVI Southern African Society for Systematic Biology’s (SASSB) conference in Stellenbosch.

17 Jul 2023

FABIans participate in producing a new forest entomology text book

Several FABIans have participated in the production of a new open access Forest Entomology text book.