Seeding the future: An exploratory visit to KWS headquarters
Professor Bernard Slippers, Director of FABI, recently visited KWS at their headquarters in Einbeck, Germany.
Professor Bernard Slippers, Director of FABI, recently visited KWS at their headquarters in Einbeck, Germany.
Two FABIans presented talks at the the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute's Fungal Evolution symposium in the Netherlands.
Dr Nicky Creux was presented the best publication award by the Oil and Protein Seeds Development Trust for her work on the New Phytologist paper.
Several FABIans travelled to Stellenbosch to participate in the National Grain Research Programme's nd Annual Research Day.
Prof. Dave Berger of the MPPI group was one of the presenters at a monthly meeting of the Genetics of Maize-Microbe Interactions (GMMI) interest group.
Two entomologists linked to the RGE-FABI Tree Health Programme programme, visited FABI as part of the Institute's collaboration with RGE.
An enthusiastic group of FABIans gathered at the LC de Villiers sports campus on Friday 14 April to celebrate Jackie Robinson Day.
A team of FABIans travelled to Cape Town for the second sample collection trip for the recently-launched South African Soil SurveY (SASSY) research project.
Twelve undergraduate students will gain hands-on experience in research laboratories as mentees in the CPHB Mentorship programme for 2023.
FABI Research Fellow Dr Janneke Aylward visited Welkom to sample Italian cypress trees as part of a project to investigate the causal agents of Cypress canker in South Africa.
The MPPI research group in FABI is participating in this year's NOVA PhD course in plant pathology.
Three FABI researchers visited Vietnam to collect material from trees infested by PSHB with the objective of finding, identifying, rearing and testing natural enemies.
FABI researchers collected specimens from dying Cypress trees on UP's Hatfield campus as part of a new study on Seiridium spp.
FABIans took a break from their busy schedules to enjoy an Easter Tea in the courtyard on 5 April.
During the last week of March, Prof. Mike Wingfield travelled to India where he had an opportunity to visit the Forest Research Institute: Dehradun.
Professor Brenda Wingfield and Dr Trudy Paap presented talks at a DFFE-organised symposium celebrating the International Day of Forests.
Members of the TPCP recently visited Portucel Mozambique's forestry operations to assess the extent and diversity of pest and disease issues first hand.
A team of FABI researchers began sampling in local mine shafts, and within the mining timber support production pipeline In an effort to discover the ecological niche of Sporothrix species
The SASSY Project kicked off with the collection of soil samples from 11 nature reserves.
FABIans Amy Collop and Elisa Pal travelled to Stellenbosch to attend an insect mass-rearing course.
Professor Bernard Slippers recently visited Prof. Jeremy Allison at the Great Lakes Forestry Centre (GLFC) in Canada.
Members of the MaPP visited visited various pecan orchards in the Northern Cape to monitor PSHB infestations.
ABI, in collaboration with the Forest Invasive Species Network for Africa (FISNA), co-hosted a webinar on forest invasive species in Africa on 14 March.
FABI celebrated the first publications by members of the CPHB and TPCP at a Publication Party on 14 March.
Dr Trudy Paap was invited to speak on the topic of plant health in nurseries at the IPPS' 25th Annual Conference.
ABI hosted a joint webinar with the SASSB on 2 March by Dr Dan Jacobson, Chief scientist for computational systems biology at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Prof. Bernard Slippers and Dr Gudrun Dittrich-Schröder met with researchers and students at Imperial College London during a recent visit to London.
FABians Dr Neriman Yilmaz and Prof. Cobus Visagie visited the Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute and Ghent University.
Three FABIans recently visited the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Germany.
Two FABI FLAIR Fellows attended meetings at the Royal Society in London.
FABI and and the South African Kiwi Growers Association have established a collaborative programme to address threats posed by pests and pathogens to the growing kiwi industry in South Africa.
Several FABIans from the GRP attended the South African Sclerotinia Research Network's recent workshop in Pretoria.
FABIan, Prof. Irene Barnes chaired a meeting on 23 January aimed at reviving the African Mycological Association.
FABI welcomed eight new members that join the DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Plant Health Biotechnology (CPHB) Internship in Phytosanitation and Biosecurity.
FABI celebrated the accomplishments of nine interns in the FABI Internship in Phytosanitation and Biosecurity on 9 December.